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study tour

My experience during the study tour

Assalamualaikum this time I want to tell my experience when I went on a study tour at the Majapahit Museum and stopped by the blue source if I'm not mistaken, I forgot hehehe

From school, I and my friends left at 07.30 and arrived there around 09.00. When I arrived at the Majapahit Museum, the place was really nice and very comfortable. My friends outside the museum had many trees that made it cool and there were also gardeners who kept the museum environment clean so visitors and students who wanted to study there were comfortable and not comfortable. bosen.gak after a while I went to the museum guided by a guide whose name was Pak Subandi, the people were very friendly, he explained to us many things about the origin of the Majapahit kingdom, when it was established, who controlled the Majapahit kingdom until the death of the Majapahit kingdom, and that's not it, Pak Subandi also explain what is in the Majapahit Museum, one of which is the Majapahit kingdom's inheritance, the statue of the Majapahit kingdom and so forth.

Oh yeah I haven't told you about this Majapahit Museum, yes, this Majapahit kingdom is in the village of Trowulan, Trowulan sub-district of Mojokerto district, in Mojokerto there are also a number of temples in Temen Temen, for example there are mouse temples, Candi Bajangratu, Candi Pawon, Buddha sleep and more. And after the learning activities are finished, everyone is ready to go to the next destination, namely to the blue source at 11.00 and get there around 13.00, why is it so long even though it's so close to the Majapahit Museum ??? because it stopped by bajangratu temple but it was only for a while and there was just looking at it and sitting sitting and finally arriving at the blue source, from the first entry it was predictable if the place was really instagrameble and suitable for young people who want social media a lot of good photos enough Not to Mojokerto, it's far from us, how come I'm promoting it?

Okay, back again with my trip, when I arrived I was the same as a friend's friend, I didn't take photos right away, but we had to pray the midday prayers samam ashar prayers first and after that we find food first and then we can take photos and surround the place, from that place I really got a lot of good photos because the place really supports making photos \, after all this time hunting down photos finally when it doesn't feel like it's already 3:00 p.m. and it's time to go home, on the way home many teachers come down to buy by but because the money is running low so I don't buy it by oh it's sad but many of my friends don't buy it either. 17:00 already arrived at the house, but it's not finished yet I have to clean myself and then prepare for school tomorrow huuuuhhhhh really tiring but I like because more time with my friends hehehe


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